Founded in 2009, KyCAD is proud of its success. Core values and principles have helped to shape the institution and our work toward a mission to provide a transformational experience for our students.

As a brand-new college looking to demonstrate the value of the arts to society, we embrace the ability of the arts to reflect a generation’s interests and opinions. This college places the meaning of practice and the artist’s voice beside the skills and the tools with which we speak.

From our histories to new technologies, from our crafts and material practices to a new digital world of the virtual and unreal, we investigate the very roots of what it means to be human in a wide variety of ways. Artists use not only intuition and speculation, but also spiritual, emotional, analytical and material ways to search for new knowledge.

In November 2018, the Kentucky Council on Post Secondary Education granted KyCAD the authority to grant a BFA in Studio Art.